Personal Projects

Here are a few coding projects I have worked on. Feel free to check them out.

AI Powered Voicemail Inbox

An AI-powered voicemail inbox running from a Raspberry Pi in my home. It uses express.js and responds to messages in real time using speech-to-text and chat response prompting. Details of how I built this are in the Medium article.

You can check it out now at

Cadenza AI

Cadenza is an AI-powered music plugin that can generate chord progressions. It's aimed at amateur music producers who are looking for a tool to quickly get their creative juices flowing. I built it all from scratch in C++ using the JUCE framework.

Pierre The Peanut

An AI-powered character of my own invention. It uses a fine-tuned LLM model through OpenAI, and it tweets using selenium. For a while it tweeted every day, though I eventually put it on pause.

You can check his twitter here: Pierre the Peanut on Twitter / X.

Chess-Playing Algorithm

A homemade chess-playing algorithm that uses minimax and my own evaluation (heuristic) function. It's written completely in js and runs in the browser. It's not very sophisticated because the search depth is 3, but it's a fun project regardless.

Play now:

Entity Linker

An 'Entity Linker' that adds wikipedia links to words based on their relative importance and context in which the word is used.

Genetic Algorithm for Deciding Roommates

This is an algorithm I built to how to pair incoming college freshmen based on their responses to a survey. It is an experiment in how genetic algorithms can be applied to real-world problems.

Server Tip Calculator

A simple JS application that helps restaurant workers calculate their tips. It is useful when a sum of tip money is collected and needs to be distributed among the workers based on their hours worked, where the amount paid per hour is constant.

Feel free to check out my github page for more projects.